Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Geek Love

Well, it is DEFINITELY Love with Brad. How do I know? 1) I cooked for him (I offered), I cleaned up and I brought dessert and beer; 2) I bought tickets to see some worm group perform, with little prior knowledge as to what these worm folk do.

I bought Brad, the wonder boyfriend tickets to the "Arrogant Worms", I knew he liked them and I had heard a couple of their songs, which I thought were cute. I didn't realize to the full extent what they "do". LOL. They are 3 canadian guys that tour Canada and sing "novelty songs". Some of them are funny in a cute way, but 2 hours worth was about 1.5 hours too much for me. The audience went CRAZY and were doing actions and stuff, it was really weird. Let's put it this way, there were tons of teenage boys there.

This was not a random thought, I did this for Brad for Valentine's Day, I also cooked the dinner and bought him some memory foam slippers, he gets sore feets from standing all day as a teacher.

I was so happy to do it and I am even happier I don't have to see the arrogant worms again. I just find stuff like that over the top, I can enjoy it in small doses. I like the "I pulled my groin" song and I liked the "Pirate" song because I got to make pirate noises, even though that was not one of the audience participation bits, but I liked it, so I did it. LOL.

Brad was generous enough to let me admit that I didn't love it, I love him enough that I was happy to be there with him and genuinely went with an open mind. I love that Brad likes what he likes and doesn't care what others think, not that these guys aren't popular, they have put out 11 albums and there were tons of fans there, but they are not chart toppers.
I love that Brad loves me even though my favorite music genre is "cheesy top 40 sludge". Give me a radio and I am happy. (sick, eh?)

The title to this entry does not refer to Brad being a geek, although he does have some geek tendencies. "Geek Love" refers to our own little "groovy kind of love".

So, happy valentines day SUCKERS!

Love is gonna get ya!

Word for the week: LEOPARD - the guys at work thought I said that I had a Leopard when I said I had a lovebird, but I did tell them that she is as mean as a leopard. But she is MY leopard/lovebird and I love her. Also, a Leopard can change her spots! I am IN LOVE!


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Life is waiting for you....

So, I have not been writing because I have been living my life. I am really happy right now, and so glad that things are going so great with Brad and me. He has been working really hard at expressing himself and it is doing wonders. I am so proud of him.
We went to Calgary to celebrate my birthday on the 20th of January, it was fun, low-key. Only 3 people showed up, but that was fine, and I had a great time, Brad and I were home in bed (hotel bed that is) by midnight and I was content and happy and not drunk or hungover the next day. Wow! What a great feeling. It made me realize how much I do NOT miss my old life and my unhealthy ways. I have a life now and it does not revolve around getting loaded and being lonely. I am spending my free time in healthy ways, doing crafts, taking care of myself and seeing Brad. We have been seeing a little less of each other, which is actually good. I know that I look forward to seeing him when I do and we make an effort to always have some type of activity planned, even if it is just hanging at home and cooking (eek! - I am learning to cook and enjoying it- what the H is happening to me?) or watching movies with the fabulous Miss Ella. She is such a great dog, I really love her. She gets thoroughly spoiled on love when she comes to town and she has her great life on the acreage too. She is such a good girl.
I am starting a new PERMANENT job tomorrow. I am really excited, nervous and looking forward to making a big positive impact. I will be supporting three directors who currently don't have an assistant, so it is all good. I am so happy to not be giving my money away to the stupid agencies anymore and to have some realy stability.
So WOW, 40 is great so far. I am truly blessed.

Word for the Week: VIBRANT - a word I get a lot, but yah, I am feeling it and not just acting happy. YAY.