Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hot Air

So fucking funny, I resigned, respectfully from the "job" that is killing me inside and the hot airbag I work for told me that "I interview well", after all, they did "choose" me out of all the other willing candidates. Lucky me, they offered to pay me $6,000 less than my last job. Also, they pulled the rug out from under me and totally ass fucked me on my offer letter - promising a $5,000 bonus... until you read the fine print. So when I applied for other jobs (TWO) and one of them WANTED me, and wanted to pay me my worth, I guess he felt that he had to put me in my place. SO FUCKING FUNNY.
Yes, it pisses me off, but only because I subjected myself to his misguided mysognist racist bullshit.
I still leave with my dignity intact.
Imagine, me decide?

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Freedom of Speech

I so have freedom of speech, because I know that no one reads this.
Where I work, it is prohibitive. It is sterile, it is no fun.
I guess I can blame myself for expecting what I deserve. That will ALWAYS bite me in the ass.
I FUCKING HATE THIS "city". I HATE it here. This place is a fucking joke.
I hate it so much that I hate myself