Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Cougarific Rocking the Edmonton Vibe

Well, lots to report. I moved to Edmonton 2 weeks ago. So far so good. I didn't want to move back to Calgary for various reasons... Cost, lifestyle, been there, done that.
It looks like I will be settling with the company that I was "terminated" from... So not only do I not owe them any money, they will be paying me. It has been SOOOOOOO stressful and just causing such unhappiness, I am so glad it is going to be over. I have a cute place in Edmonton in a trendy area that is close to downtown. I get to walk to where I work (just started) and I don't have to drive the Grannymobile that much... I met a great, fantastic, stellar guy that seems to like me too (incredible!). SMILE SMILE SMILE...
So, after leaving Fort McHell, life is really looking up. More later...

Word for the week: TRIUMPHANT.... I did prevail, so there motherchuckers!


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